Friday, September 2, 2016

Grace for your spirit 9-2-16

Grace for your spirit
A certain man was giving a big dinner, and he invited many; and at the dinner hour he sent his slave to those who had been invited, 'Come for everything is ready now.'  But they all alike begin to make excuses...Luke 14:16-18

This parable given by Jesus was a picture of His invitation to His kingdom, and His supper in heaven.  All the excuse makers missed it and their invitation were cancelled.  Jesus is still calling, What is our answer?  Remember the old song, "Excuses, Excuses"
Excuses, excuses, you'll hear them every day.
And the Devil he'll supply them, if the church you stay away.
When people come to know the Lord, the Devil always loses
So to keep them folks away from church, he offers them excuses.
Let's respond to Jesus, not the devil.

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