Thursday, February 2, 2017

Grace for your spirit 2-2-17

Grace for your spirit
Why the Law then?  It was added because of transgression. Galatians 3:19

A neighbor boy was playing in our backyard.  While there, he dug up our rock patio . When asked why, he answered, "You didn't tell me not to".  The next time they saw him, they gave him a long list of "not to's" Now you can know why God's Law had so many "Thou shalt not's"
Unfortunately, people find a way around "thou shall not's". Do we have to be controlled by "thou shalt not", or can we find a better way?  A better way is to have Christ living in our hearts and let His Spirit direct us to what is right.  Walking in His steps, we will find the way to do right all the time. 

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